Off-Road Recoils Suspension System by Box Wheelchairs
The Ultimate Off-Road Caster! A complete enclosed suspension system with a smart-designed 3" wide caster wheel for use on any terrain.
Not compatible with Tilite ZRA & Tilite TI Wheelchairs. Compatible only with 6.5" high caster systems! If you order this product and have a shorter or taller distance from the floor to the caster barrel, adding the Off-Road Recoils will change the height of the front of your wheelchair! You can adjust other parts of your chair to compensate for this change in tilt, but be aware that this system will affect your chairs ride height. See pic below to help with measuring the distance from your caster barrel to the floor(CBTF).
Add it to your wheelchair for a simple solution to completely change your potential for off-road ability.
The 3" Wheel has an intuitive tapered-contact design, allowing a very small surface area to touch the ground while it rolls on a flat surface, giving it a smooth and long glide when you're using it day to day.
The wheels of choice for BOX athletes, like Aaron Fotheringham!
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